Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Our Commitment
Welcome to the Realus FAQ section, where we gather the most common questions from our users along with detailed answers.


Enrolment Question

Free Consultation, Entrance Test, Class Placement Recommendation, Payment and Enrolment
We understand that every student's learning needs and schedule may vary, so we welcome new students to join even after the course has started. New students will receive the following support:
  • Personalised Assessment: Before joining, we will conduct a comprehensive learning assessment to ensure the student's current knowledge level and learning needs match the class progress.
  • Adaptation Support: After joining, we provide additional tutoring to help new students quickly catch up with the class progress and ensure effective learning.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Academic advisors will regularly track the new student's learning progress and communicate with the teachers to adjust the learning plan or approach as needed, ensuring they can smoothly integrate into the class.
  • We are committed to providing the best learning experience and support for every student. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.
    If a student needs to take a leave of absence, we will first consider transferring them to a parallel class to ensure they keep up with the learning progress, as missing any class could impact subsequent learning.If a class transfer is not feasible, we will provide video lessons and related materials so that students can make up the missed class content through video lessons.After watching the video lesson, if the student still has questions, they can ask the teacher at any time. We will ensure that students can promptly catch up on the missed content and maintain continuity in their learning progress. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our academic advisors for more details.
    We will send the video lesson links and related information through our Student-Teacher Information System. You simply need to log in to the system to access the video lessons. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our academic advisors for more details.
    We offer flexible payment options, including bank transfer, credit card payment, as well as payment through WeChat or Alipay. For specific payment methods and procedures, please consult our academic advisors for more information.
    First Education's payment policy is designed to ensure continuity, quality of teaching, and the effectiveness of students' learning. Therefore, our courses are charged on a term or annual basis and we currently do not support per-class payments.First Education's courses are designed as a systematic learning process, and enrolling on a term or annual basis allows students to achieve the best learning outcomes within a fixed period. Single class sessions may not fully reflect our teaching quality and effectiveness. Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Yes, choosing to pay annually allows you to enjoy exclusive discounted rates that we offer to annual payment students. Compared to paying by term, you will be able to save more. For specific discount details, please consult our advisors.

    Enrolment Question