
VCE Tutoring

A Springboard for VCE Success

VCE Tutoring

Realus Education Group (formerly First Education Group) is centred on the educational philosophy of "integrated teaching and learning." Based on the fundamental principles of teaching and learning, we have designed a comprehensive O2O teaching model. By combining offline excellence courses with an online adaptive learning platform, this approach addresses the balance between teaching and learning. Realus VCE Tutoring not only helps students improve their academic performance effectively but also develops their learning ability, cognitive skills, and problem-solving capabilities.

Drawing on years of experience, our research and teaching team has innovatively developed the Realus VCE Tutoring Excellence Program, which incorporates two core educational principles: "Advanced Learning" and the "Three-Cycle Review Method," combined with our unique O2O Teaching Model.

Following the concept of "Advanced Learning," we introduce VCE content in Years 9 and 10. This approach ensures that by the end of Year 11, students will have mastered all the essential VCE exam content, with additional extension where necessary.

Utilising the "Three-Cycle Review Method," Realus VCE Tutoring systematically reviews all key knowledge points in Year 12. This approach strengthens students' comprehensive application abilities, enhances exam techniques, and ensures that students can perform at their best in the final VCE exams, maximising their personal potential.

Since 2009, Realus VCE Tutoring has helped over tens of thousands of students achieve their academic goals. For eight consecutive years, we have been the birthplace of VCE top scorers. At Realus VCE Tutoring, every student has the potential to achieve outstanding results in the VCE and become a shining star.

Advantages of the REALUS O2O Teaching Model

For Students: Continuity and Adaptability

Students can continue their learning journey anytime, anywhere each week, fully engaging in personalised adaptive learning to meet their evolving needs.

MarsLadder ensures a weekly learning loop, maintaining consistency and effectiveness in learning.

o2o continuity and adaptability

For Teachers:Fully Informed Teaching

Get Real Teaching Feedback
Get Real Teaching Feedback

Teachers can obtain valuable feedback data from students' online learning and flexibly adjust their teaching plans. This enables more targeted teaching strategies in subsequent face-to-face sessions, aligning better with students' learning needs.

Grasp the Teaching Progress and Focus
Grasp the Teaching Progress and Focus

This data-driven teaching method not only helps teachers grasp the progress and focus of teaching but also provides real teaching feedback to further optimise effectiveness.

For Parents:A Trusted Assistant


Through our platform, parents can view real-time learning reports based on learning behaviors, understanding their child's needs promptly.


MarsLadder provides objective and accurate learning reports, allowing parents to keep track of their child's learning progress.

REALUS O2O Teaching Model

Truly connects and collaborates among students, schools, and parents.

Helping students learn efficiently, easily, and happily!