



60 +




80 +




70 %




4.8 /5




Nick Zhang
Nick Zhang First Education Group 创始人兼CEO 墨尔本大学化学工程与金融双学士学位
  • 2009年,Nick Zhang在大学期间于一间地下仓库创办了First Education。凭借近二十年的教学和办学经验,他成功帮助了上万名K12学子。
  • 在2014年至2023年间,Nick带领First Education的教学团队培养了20名ATAR 99.95分的高考状元,以及超过300名ATAR 99+的优秀学员。他深谙K12学生的学习特点和教师的工作挑战,致力于利用科技整合教育资源,变革传统教育模式,打造去中心化的教育生态。
  • Nick的愿景是通过科技赋能,为全球学生提供高效且个性化的学习体验,培养未来的领导者和创新者。
  • Henry Han
    Henry Han First Education Group 合伙人兼CCO 墨尔本大学精算专业
  • Henry Han是First Education的合伙人,现任首席内容官 (CCO)。他拥有墨尔本大学精算专业背景,并具备10年的教学和内容研发经验。Henry在教育内容的设计和开发方面表现卓越,致力于打造高质量的教学材料和创新的学习资源,提升学生的学习体验和成果。
  • Henry专注于VCE三门数学和物理科目的教学,善于将复杂的知识化繁为简,以清晰的思路和深入浅出的讲解,使学习变得生动有趣。
  • Henry的课堂上总是充满积极向上的氛围。他擅长用简单易懂的语言,揭开数学世界的神秘面纱,让学生在轻松愉快的环境中掌握知识精髓。他幽默风趣的授课风格赢得了无数学子的喜爱与尊敬,成为他们心中不可替代的良师益友。
  • Yishuai Jiang
    Yishuai Jiang First Education Group 合伙人兼首席培训官 (CTO) 上海外国语大学英语语言文学硕士学位
  • Yishuai Jiang是First Education的合伙人,现任首席培训官 (Chief Training Officer)。她拥有上海外国语大学英语语言文学硕士学位,并具备10年的教学和内容研发经验。作为第一所分校的校长,Yishuai负责培养新校长并不断扩展校区。她在教育内容设计和教学方法研究方面有着丰富的经验和卓越的表现,致力于提升线下教学的质量和效果,为学生提供最佳的学习体验。
  • 在Yishuai的精心指导下,每年超过40%的学生在English/EAL科目中取得了英文裸分40+的优异成绩。她以独到的视角引领学生深入剖析作品精髓,通过引导性的思维框架和细致入微的作文精改,使基础薄弱的学生也能在英语学习上实现质的飞跃。
  • Yishuai热衷于通过创新的教学方法和高效的学习策略,帮助学生在英语学习上取得优异成绩,成为他们通往成功道路上的重要导师。
  • 遇见顶级师资 经验丰富、实力和魅力并举

    • Nick Zhang
      Nick Zhang First Education Group 创始人兼CEO
    • Henry Han
      Henry Han First Education Group 合伙人兼CCO
    • Yishuai Jiang
      Yishuai Jiang First Education Group 合伙人兼首席培训官 (CTO)
    • Rain Li
      Rain Li First Education Group讲师
    • Joe Chen
      Joe Chen First Education Group讲师
    • Yichen Jiang
      Yichen Jiang First Education Group讲师
    • Claire Che
      Claire Che First Education Group讲师
    • Silas Yin
      Silas Yin First Education Group讲师
    • Belinda Ai
      Belinda Ai First Education Group讲师
    • Lily Yu
      Lily Yu First Education Group讲师
    • Ronson Sun
      Ronson Sun First Education Group讲师
    • Catherine Yu
      Catherine Yu First Education Group讲师
    • Jimmy Nie
      Jimmy Nie First Education Group讲师
    • Henry Zhou
      Henry Zhou First Education Group讲师
    • Kerin Zhang
      Kerin Zhang First Education Group讲师
    • Chuyao Liu
      Chuyao Liu First Education Group讲师
    • Vivian Yang
      Vivian Yang First Education Group讲师
    • James Liu
      James Liu First Education Group讲师
    • Alyssa Li
      Alyssa Li First Education Group讲师
    • Angel Sun
      Angel Sun First Education Group讲师
    • Elyssa Zhang
      Elyssa Zhang First Education Group讲师
    • Anson So
      Anson So First Education Group讲师
    • Tina Chen
      Tina Chen First Education Group讲师
    • Stephanie Jiang
      Stephanie Jiang First Education Group讲师
    • Katherine Qin
      Katherine Qin First Education Group讲师

    强大的后部力量 睿乐思部分职员一览

    • Sarah
      Sarah First Education Group 合伙人兼市场运营主管
    • Cassie
      Cassie 学习规划师
    • Jasmine
      Jasmine 学习规划师
    • Maggie
      Maggie 学习规划师
    • Tianhua Shen
      Tianhua Shen 学习规划师
    • Yilin Ma
      Yilin Ma 深圳睿乐思团队负责人
    • Lili Liu
      Lili Liu 教务助理
    • Xue Yi
      Xue Yi First Education Group合伙人兼首席财务官 (CFO)
    • Tim Peng
      Tim Peng First Education Group合伙人兼MarsLadder首席产品官 (CPO)
    • Jiasong Wang
      Jiasong Wang 质量管理工程师
    • Yupeng Cao
      Yupeng Cao 火星梯子研发负责人
    • Jiejue Ma
      Jiejue Ma 需求分析师
    • Fan Yang
      Fan Yang 后端开发工程师
    • Yang Zhang
      Yang Zhang 后端开发工程师
    • Haoyang Wu
      Haoyang Wu 前端开发工程师
    • Benqing Liu
      Benqing Liu 全栈开发工程师
    • Nan Yu
      Nan Yu 后端开发工程师
    来睿乐思! 与我们的老师们共赴一场知识的邂逅
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Very friendly staff, professional teachers! Give us too many advices and improvement. I will keep continue my learning in the first education. I firmly believe that everyone will have a good learning experience here.

      Fiona Yu
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Very good tutoring place, very humorous teachers, excellent teaching styles. Definitely recommend!

      WXS WA
    • starstarstarstarstar

      After attending the tutoring centre, my fundamental understanding towards subject content has drastically improved. The facilities are well kept, clean and tidy, whereas the teachers are friendly and supportive. Would definitely recommend.

      Izumi Emica
    • starstarstarstarstar

      A very comfortable learning environment with dedicated and approachable teachers/staff. Highly recommended if you want to be adequately prepared for your VCE subjects. The teachers will always find a way to make learning easier and more enjoyable, so if I were you I'd give this place a shot :)

      Roger Liu
    • starstarstarstarstar

      This is my second year at First Education and coming here has really helped me in my VCE subjects. All the teachers are very committed, knowledgeable and nice. They genuinely care about the students and do their best to help us in our subjects.
      Apart from teachers, the staff here are very organised and make the tutoring experience very enjoyable.

      Rachel Chen
    • starstarstarstarstar

      It was awesome being at this school, had a great experience and learnt loads! I improved loads in many areas including methods and specialist mathematics as well as physics, there were great services and awesome teachers!

      Vivian Yang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Very responsible and reliable education institute. My child is really enjoy the lessons and like the teachers. Recommended place for small class tutorials.

      Zoe ZHAO
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Very detailed and personalised teachings that is understandable for every student in the class. I have been studying here for 3years, and the improvement I have gained is amazing compared to when I studied at some other centres.

    • starstarstarstarstar

      I have been in First Education since 2021 and it has been the best learning experience of my 12 years of schooling so far. The teachers here are so responsible and I literally could not be where I am today without their help. The questions are challenging and the teachings are applicable and relevant to the current study design and is very up to date as well!

      Andy Zhang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      The place allows me to learn new things that help me to achieve good results in school. The friendly learning environment allows me to ask questions without any judgement

      harry zhou
    • starstarstarstarstar


    • starstarstarstarstar

      A student at this place, I've been studying at this place for a while now and I've had an amazing experience. The teachers are amazing, giving advice to my classmates and I within and outside of our tuition classes. This place is like, super friendly and my grades has in fact, been rising in school.

      Cynthia Liu
    • starstarstarstarstar

      First Education has many kind and experienced teachers! They are organised and flexible for students so they can learn to the best of their ability! Their learning methods and approaches can be classified one of the highest quality tutoring places that I’ve ever seen :)

      Olivia Shen
    • starstarstarstarstar

      I’ve been to many tutoring place around Box Hill, to be honest, First Education is the best tutoring place, they have very skilled teachers and optional homework exercise that you can do after class. This community really want student to do their best in VCE!!!

      Vivi Li
    • starstarstarstarstar

      I have been to multiple tuitions around the area, but nothing can match first educations teaching and experience. I have learnt way more techniques in advancing my learning. I am very grateful in finding this tutoring. Higher recommend to anyone starting!

      Yong Hong Mau
    • starstarstarstarstar


      William Tang
    • starstarstarstarstar


      Patrick Shao
    • starstarstarstarstar


      Ryan li
    • starstarstarstarstar


      William Wang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Very helpful! The teachers are very nice and patient, they can explain the concepts really well. My day school physics class would have been much more challenging without help from first education.

    • starstarstarstarstar


      Chengwei Zhu
    • starstarstarstarstar


      Li Leo
    • starstarstarstarstar

      I highly recommend first education tutoring group. The teachers at first education are all very skilful and patient to students. The lectures and questions given by first education are really detailed and helpful for VCE subjects. The homework booklets and the class tests are highly relevant to exam styled questions. Also, in first education you could ask your teacher questions anytime when you need help!

      Yilia Zhang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      做为家长,我非常推荐第一教育。我儿子在普通公校,去年幸好参加了Nick老师数学补习班,对他帮助很大,VCE取得了很好成绩。Nick老师课讲的很好,儿子很喜欢。客服也很好,总是耐心及时回答你的问题。补习班老师和学生氛围不错。而且第一教育有个手机app,可以及时了解孩子学习情况,还有家长微信群,介绍大学,报考等信息。希望第一教育越办越好。非常推荐。Highly recommended!

      Christine Fei
    • starstarstarstarstar

      First Education provides students insightful lessons, taught by excellent teachers who are all really responsible and friendly. It provides different courses including various VCE subjects, as well as lessons that are designed for students from particular year levels. The classrooms are all clean and bright. Definitely recommend First Education to all students!!!

      Selina Weng
    • starstarstarstarstar

      非常推荐!!老师很用心负责,上了一年的课感觉提高很大,EAL老师超强!!Text Response讲的很细致!

      yayi zhang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      I've bees having tutoring classes here since year 10 and my grade a better than before. It really really! I think everyone should come here for tutoring.

      SiLiang Li
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Extremely helpful, teachers are quite thorough with the explanations and have a good understanding of the content they are talking about. They also have good facilities

      Very Private
    • starstarstarstarstar

      I have been at first education since year 10. The teachers here have been helpful both during and after class and they are a great help to my learning. Also the after class homework are relevant to what we study at school to help consolidate knowledge. Without first education, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

      Sarah Sun
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Kerin teacher is one of the most dedicating and hard working teacher you can ever meet. She is also kind to the children and puts in all the effort to ensure the kids learn new things in her lesson.

      Dtze Tan
    • starstarstarstarstar


    • starstarstarstarstar

      I've been studied at here for a long time, and it is really helpful for VCE study! I’ve able to get great score after the tutoring!

      Iris Wang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Really love this place. The teacher is friendly and professional. Especially my math teacher Joe, responsible for my methods class is so gooooooooooooooooooood. Recommended to my school mates that is seeking for a tutor.

      Eddie Huang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      - Super friendly staffs + teachers 😊 - Classes are both humourous and interesting (time passes by really quickly) 🙂 - Very clean and advanced environment 👍

      Esther Liang
    • starstarstarstarstar


      Yiwen Zhang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      After nearly failing year 11 methods and spesh, I went to First Education as a last-ditch effort to save my grades and ATAR. Their indepth and clear, easy to follow teaching methodology drastically improved my understanding and grades in maths, allowing me to eventually achieve my dream atar and enter my dream course.

      Kevin Zhang
    • starstarstarstarstar

      I will definitely say that First Education is the best tutoring school in melbourne and I am glad that I have the most supportive teachers ever in my life. Lots of love and heaps of thanks❤️

      Judy S
    • starstarstarstarstar

      Very good for math tutoring the teachers are nice and the classes are very fun and educational.

      liping liu
    • starstarstarstarstar

      I've been attending methods and specialist tutoring at first edu for around 2 years, the staff members here have supported me through an arduous journey of VCE. They teach with an exuberant attitude, and unlike many other teachers, the staff at first ed are actually passionate about their teaching, thus why students like me are actually improving in their studies, so thank uuu! I feel very fortunate and privileged to be tutoring here at first education. ~Cheree :)

      cheree qiao
    • starstarstarstarstar


      Yinuo Zhao
    • starstarstarstarstar

      First Education is professional with a great learning environment. The teachers are kind, offering a lot of help to us. The institution provides solid materials thus helping the students to accelerate in different VCE subjects.

      James Zhan
    • starstarstarstarstar

      First Education has helped me with a lot of my maths methods questions. I really appreciate that they’re providing this kind of support because it really ensures that everyone knows what they’re studying, allowing them to consolidate their understanding of important mathematical concepts.

    • starstarstarstarstar

      I just joined this year and I'm extremely impressed at how organised their system is. The reception staff and people who work hard to give us the resources we need are amazing and extremely friendly!! I have seen my grades improve quite a fair bit all thanks to First Education and the environment is also really chill :)) Really nice place <3

    • starstarstarstarstar

      First education has been one of the most effective and responsible tuition places I have been to. After starting at first education since 2020, the teachers have helped me develop my academic skills for school. The teachers are all very willing to help out whenever I need assistance. Everything I have learnt here are all valuable to my studies.

      Jiaying Lai